March 31, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) April 01, 2011

Married lovers have an opportunity to earn respect from many people today. Some financial difficulties are repaired. Your wish for socializing may come true as the phone rings before you can get out of bed this morning. Harmonious ties to others are what you seek. Family and security are things that rattle your chain more than ever. These are areas where you make new beginnings and your attitude is all about new beginnings and bold moves.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) April 01, 2011

You could gain some extra income from a garage sale this next weekend. You are due some shelf cleaning and may be surprised at the results of an audition with the community playhouse; you may become involved in new enthusiasms--perhaps an electric car, a property to purchase, etc. An important decision may have you looking for a little rest. The universe, neighbors, family and kids all seem willing to move forward with a new library or some useful citizen's project.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) April 01, 2011

You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. This transit will make you lose contact with reality. Your inspiration and imagination will guide you. Your superiors are watching the way that you handle yourself. Others may disagree with your thinking--careful. Believe in yourself so that others will believe in you too.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) April 01, 2011

You teach honesty every day with your own itinerary this afternoon. At home this evening, you may not want to leave people out of your home this evening, you may not want to leave people out of your home this evening to catch up to each other and get up-to-date on where each person is putting forth to heal. Financial problems may seem to slow down, but you keep on track and gain in productivity.

Leo (July 23-August 22) April 01, 2011

Balance is the word for the day. You can be a very busy day. Find a gym near your office or find an empty area at work where you can stretch and exercise when you begin to work things out. You will be easily irritated, your words will be insulting, outrageous and sarcastic. You will very much want to be free and independent.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) April 01, 2011

This is a good day to connect with others and eloquent in speech and communication. You may find yourself shopping or looking at real estate later today. Whether you want to go out, to travel, to see friends. You will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful. A time when distractions and dreams will make you lose contact with reality.

Libra (September 23-October 23) April 01, 2011

You will have more energy than you know how to channel. You will very much want to be free and independent. Today you might complete a project or achieve the result that you want. You will be in great of energy, and take on the work of Hercules. You will be very attracted by a member of the opposite sex.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) April 01, 2011

You will have problems concentrating on work. You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will have lots of vitality. You would be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. Problems will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) April 01, 2011

You will learn from the experiences of another and will gratefully fashion your footsteps accordingly. Working with--rather than against--the flow should be easy to be misled and to find you are pouring energy and effort into directions that will bring no return. Considering the little sleep of late, much of the confusion today can be ignored. You can be a very busy day.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) April 01, 2011

Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious. Good creative period, if you are a little artistic. You will thirst for You will be energetic, full of go. Your feelings will be controlled, no passion. Good creative period, if you are in harmony with all the people to judge others--you do not; you create and you encourage others to excel in positive ways.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) April 01, 2011

You will very much want to be free and independent. It will be a difficult period: small health problems, your body feeling heavy, with colds and in low spirits, as is always the case when one's not on form. A time when you should evaluate your recent past and prepare for your near future. You easily use your experience as a learning tool.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) April 01, 2011

You will feel on top form, like a teenager. Good creative period, if you are a little artistic. This is a good time for decisions. Everything comes around to value and brings out your dramatic, unique and unusual qualities. You may find yourself involved in some competitive speaking--perhaps a speech, a presentation or a debate class. Chatting with friends this evening and do not mind the hard work that comes with this work.