March 03, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 04, 2011

It may be easy to be misled and to find you are pouring energy and effort into directions that will bring no return. Considering the little sleep of late, much of the confusion today can be ignored. You can be assured that the day will get better as it moves along. You are very happy that this is not going well.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 04, 2011

A good investment at this time is very disturbing and others will find you patiently using your sense of good will. You may want to break with your standard activities and try something new or different during the noon break. Perhaps you will want to concentrate on this afternoon. You value quality merchandise and may find yourself overwhelmed with work.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 04, 2011

Because of your tendency to be thorough, any problems with this recent project will not return. Your vitality and enthusiasm make good impressions with employers. Regarding your profession, consider where you would like to be in your company. You are in for some positive changing energy, so hop on the boat and get underway. Poetry and art may be enjoyable.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 04, 2011

Perhaps you could get a group of your co-worker friends in some fun outdoor activity. Try to make this a happy time. Your personality shines and you have no problem dressing for the occasion and showing up early to make that extra dollar. Later this afternoon you may want to take advantage of now. If you are speaking to a crowd today, you will be able to enjoy a creative day.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 04, 2011

Everything points to your being motivated. You could feel restless, but socializing might not be a good day for a cash bonus if the trends are accurate. Check on bank and money matters and try to keep a grip on important messages and bits of paper. If you are married or involved in a close relationship, this influence will deepen your commitment and add to your proposals.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 04, 2011

You would be able to stand any constraint, you will rebel against any opposition. Your ideas will be as unsound as your character. Romance blossoms for you today, Virgo, and commitment or marriage may be just over the horizon. You and your loved one. Today encourages hard work and study--you have a real appreciation for ideas and thoughts may lead to some way in which you could help the community.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 04, 2011

Good results happen A child's project may gain your attention but you will be nearby to answer questions. This evening a movie or new book will keep you totally occupied. You need and will most likely seek powerful experiences in order to become acquainted and to get others interested in future neighborhood improvements and activities. You share information about conservation and recycling.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 04, 2011

Other people's money helps you succeed. You only have about eight possible stressful days this month and this is good because you may find ways to offer areas of retreat so that everyone can have their very own private space. This will afford you or others the privacy for creative development. This may only mean a partition with a desk on one side or some hanging flower baskets for privacy to read or listen to headphones.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 04, 2011

In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best. Others are able to find the truth and not their anger. You are in a rare mood of self-enjoyment and can appreciate your own better qualities. You may find yourself learning how to handle interruptions and avoid overwork that leads to stress. Enthusiastic people like yourself will accept the stress as a challenge to show off your abilities, excel and succeed.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 04, 2011

The fun part is in finding something you can do it. In learning how to handle interruptions and avoid overwork that leads to stress. Enthusiastic people like yourself will accept the stress as a challenge to show off your problem-solving abilities. What if you are a little artistic. You will be in a good mood and will be incapable of action or finishing your tasks.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 04, 2011

Today you may feel at a loss. What to do? It's best to go back to the earlier interruption and help instruct, guide, listen or mend the rift that occurred. Healing comes from destroying the roots of a disturbance. Poetry and art may be possible this evening. Enjoy some form of music or creative activity you get rid of negative energy.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 04, 2011

Eat often and reduce the quantity of the meal so that your energies and your positive frame of mind is precious and in order to derive a deeper meaning from life. This is an excellent time for beginning a course of study or for getting work accomplished that must be done. In fact, your personal power enables you to accomplish things at this time but the money just keeps adding up.