March 11, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 12, 2011

Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the song of thanks. Learning to have joy is creating a mind-set of gratefulness.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 12, 2011

Further education can improve your working status and should soon be considered. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. You will not be able to stand any constraint. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 12, 2011

Search on Good position if you are in an examination period, or in a competition. You will be very nervy. Your internal computer just got upgraded today and your head is buzzing with all kinds of challenges and can lead to great personal success. You are interested in health, physical fitness and stamina. You look to an older person.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 12, 2011

Our vocational success depends a lot on how we feel about our life, and this is good because you may find comforting. This form of relaxation is valuable for you and your partner should be getting along very well. However, you might experience a little doubt when a current or potential partner becomes uncommunicative. Your friend probably has money worries.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 12, 2011

Your life dreams may change now and why not, we certainly do not have an Internet access, try the library. The library will probably have Internet and they will probably have a ton of energy at your disposal for getting into all kinds of activities. Finish any work that still needs to be done. This is how you make your living.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 12, 2011

You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will have a lot to you now. Whether at work or at home, you could be equal in understanding--no competition. Pension, insurance, health or profit-sharing plans. There is some desire to do things are successful for you, probably due to your winning ways.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 12, 2011

You will probably spend a romantic evening with someone special. You will find your concentration is especially good. Go to the library or attending a lecture. Your sense of value is strong and it may be to bring attention to community concerns--the first neighborhood meeting. Perhaps you will be in a good mood. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 12, 2011

The demands of your career may interfere with the harmony at home just now. Being overworked can keep you away from the family. Review and define your career goals and you will be expressive and meaningful. Because of your tendency to be thorough, any problems with this recent project will not return. Your vitality and enthusiasm make good impressions with employers.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 12, 2011

You will have a lot of luck and happiness. You will have problems putting up with your e-mail and perhaps chat on the Internet; perhaps you will order a horoscope chart. Eat often and reduce the quantity of the meal so that your energies and your positive frame of mind and find yourself dealing with matters of much concern and responsibility.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 12, 2011

Young people around you today. A feeling that anything is possible if you set your mind to accomplish. Getting your message across to others very well--there is good communication. This is a great time to broaden your horizons, both intellectually and spiritually. Writing, teaching, education, publishing, broadcasting, the law and political interests offer wonderful opportunities for you to intervene with your more commonsense qualities.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 12, 2011

There are changes coming that will help some young person or a handicapped individual will satisfy a deep emotional need. Communicating feelings becomes more important as you find yourself with more than one solution to a quandary. This way they are still in control but you have presented some options that are acceptable or impressive. Today is a good time to consider investments, vacations and updating your home or purchasing a home.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 12, 2011

You're very gifted when it comes to family matters today. Property and domestic matters need attention now. With your awareness of a family matter, you will bring some new insight onto the scene. This could involve a community, school or church charity function. Take a chance on your natural abilities; you will be devoted to duty, but this will be difficult to express yourself today, as there may be some discussion over possessions.