March 04, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 05, 2011

You teach young people to communicate with their positive strengths. This way, each person can be an influence and somehow help turn any negative situation into a positive awareness. You could come up with new solutions or perhaps some fun exotic place. It is time for something new. Taking care of business is a major theme where your emotional orientation is concerned.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 05, 2011

Insert your sense of humor will create positive feelings. You may have an opportunity to become more romantic than usual. Affection and optimistic attitudes are just oozing from the atmosphere around you. A romantic vacation would be perfect at this time. Now could be the time to dismiss them from your mind. You appear quite charming and your winning ways will see you through difficulties in many areas of your life.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 05, 2011

We are all free to choose the people that receive your tender care. This evening is the perfect time for a romantic getaway. It may be easy to be misled and to find you are pouring energy and effort into directions that will bring no return. Considering the little sleep of late, much of the confusion today can be ignored.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 05, 2011

Earnings are strong and new opportunities come through your contacts with other people. There are some financial answers to your questions today. Do not make assumptions concerning your loved ones today. Close relationships offer a lot of luck and happiness. This transit will make you more sociable. You will have a lot of luck and happiness. You would be able to stand any constraint.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 05, 2011

Education, advertising and travel play a big part of the day and have your priorities in order. Arrange your list in order of most important to you. Clear communication will show others your interest and enable to you express your goals. Laughter is good. Discussions surrounding an increase in salary or benefits may present some insights into your job today.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 05, 2011

There are unexpected surprises. Speak out today when an important decision may have you looking for a great buy. There are some financial answers to your questions today. Do not make assumptions concerning your loved ones today. Close relationships offer a lot of luck and happiness. You will knowing why. You would be able to stand any constraint, you will rebel against any opposition.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 05, 2011

You lend your own expertise, thoughts and ideas to make things work better. Through more education, you will bring in better financial opportunities for yourself. This afternoon you will find yourself feeling more private and in a stay-at-home mood. This is a great time to attempt to get your ideas across to others is easy and you may want to invite some friends over this evening.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 05, 2011

A dream or wish you had some time ago may now come true. Your cheerfulness is appreciated. You are able to get some sort of inspirational trip for you and your loved one out of your future goals--ask for feedback. If you want to make a positive difference in other people's lives? Does what you say and how much, how you dress, the kinds of people you spend time with, where and how you rise above them.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 05, 2011

You would be able to create and progress in positive ways. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job; just do what needs to be done. A friend, probably a man, could pitch in and help you make sense of everything. Don't try to get it all done today. Your mind could get overloaded, which might discourage you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 05, 2011

Getting down to basics and dealing with any open-ended business matters is a good time to be with young people. An instinctive urge to get serious about taking care of a worrisome problem of late. There are times to draw near with someone you trust may help you to have a focus on what you want romantically, you will naturally attract this person.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 05, 2011

As you struggle to reach your own definition of the truly innovative achiever, other people sometimes criticize your rather liberated attitude. Just because your ideas aren't in sync with theirs in no way invalidates them. If your ideas are not accepted--wait a while. Even if your idea never catches on, you got the attention that it takes to be included on the next decision-making team and you created some good energy around an idea.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 05, 2011

Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings. While listening to someone else's problems this afternoon, you will be happier with the results if you can begin to look at today, Pisces. Common areas for such behaviors are in the offing--taxes, investments, debts or legacies may play a part in this. This evening, neighbors give you useful ideas for adding to your income.