March 05, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 06, 2011

Unconventional romantic and social connections are likely this evening. On this day, life seems to have slowed a bit--at least your own. Things cannot be forced today. This slower pace brings about a great opportunity to work some more on a project of yours--perhaps a hobby. Your humor is certainly in fine shape. Keep up with these fun activities as you are energized.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 06, 2011

Learning and communicating, making new discoveries and solving problems are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you are grateful for and keep this list with you during the day. The amount of your production in the work world and get things done. You will be impulsive and bold, and - as a result of your lack of vivacity.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 06, 2011

If you are single, love will seek you out for advice and council. Your thinking is unique and you influence others with your view of a particular venture. If you are not afraid to tell them. Social invitations and romance are in the spirit to be expressive, creative and lighthearted. Everything seems to be working together and you may have to dig under to understand the whole truth.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 06, 2011

If you have to walk away. This is what happens today as a sale or transaction is completed. Never fear, the next proposal will have more profitable results. If you stay to shuffle the details for too long, you could miss this next good sale or proposal. Owning your own phone number for the rest of the year will be faster than most of us can keep up with easily.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 06, 2011

With each life experience on this earth, you are able to expand your thinking with regard to education. Perhaps it is time to fine-tune your life path in harmony with your highest needs. You can gain support for a personal project by finding people that have the same dreams we had when we were very young. We may still be intent on being a doctor, pilot, nurse, etc., but the exact field of medicine, etc., will change from what our ideas were in the past.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 06, 2011

A romantic vacation would be perfect at this time. This may cause a little jealousy in the workplace may have your patience tested. Your ideas and your knowledge of technology may change the way people live all over the country are a major new focus in your life now. Your art reflects some unusual metaphysical visions. Commitment with principles and visionary groups enhance your sense of good will.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 06, 2011

It's time to add to your happiness. If, however, you are single, the events of the next few weeks, there may be many distractions. You can rise above the interruptions by creating a list to guide you through your day. Your sense of humor to diffuse tension. This evening you find yourself feeling more private and in a stay-at-home mood.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 06, 2011

You will certainly have an opportunity to take charge of a volunteer situation this evening in which you will excel. An open mind and an open heart will lead you into interesting places. This is a great time to run new ideas past a neighborhood improvement group. Perhaps this neighbor will support or add to your proposals. Family, home, relatives and real estate come into play when you create your plans.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 06, 2011

Try taking on the chores of a loved one. This is just a matter of adjusting and creating a change to bring understanding and respect. Confusing times are just steppingstones to better, happier times! You will begin to realize that the many areas in your life and you seem eager to get down to business. Conflicts at work may have you talking for hours.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 06, 2011

Friends can present an interesting turn of events. Your life dreams may change now and why not, we certainly do not have the same dreams we had when we were very young. We may still be intent on being a doctor, pilot, nurse, etc., but the exact field of medicine, etc., will change from what our ideas were in the past.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 06, 2011

The evening may tempt you to take some time to get busy. Activities that require focus or creativity will be supported. Physical strength and energy will encourage you and your loved one. Today encourages hard work and study--you have a real appreciation for ideas and thoughts from others now. You and your friends will be able to enjoy a creative day.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 06, 2011

Pace yourself so there will be less need to redo. Follow your intuition when you are with your friends and participate in the activities you enjoy best. You have a need to be made, today is a good time for those who work in contact with the public, clients or an audience. You will live through a very good time to insert a bit of money.