March 31, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) April 01, 2011

Married lovers have an opportunity to earn respect from many people today. Some financial difficulties are repaired. Your wish for socializing may come true as the phone rings before you can get out of bed this morning. Harmonious ties to others are what you seek. Family and security are things that rattle your chain more than ever. These are areas where you make new beginnings and your attitude is all about new beginnings and bold moves.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) April 01, 2011

You could gain some extra income from a garage sale this next weekend. You are due some shelf cleaning and may be surprised at the results of an audition with the community playhouse; you may become involved in new enthusiasms--perhaps an electric car, a property to purchase, etc. An important decision may have you looking for a little rest. The universe, neighbors, family and kids all seem willing to move forward with a new library or some useful citizen's project.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) April 01, 2011

You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. This transit will make you lose contact with reality. Your inspiration and imagination will guide you. Your superiors are watching the way that you handle yourself. Others may disagree with your thinking--careful. Believe in yourself so that others will believe in you too.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) April 01, 2011

You teach honesty every day with your own itinerary this afternoon. At home this evening, you may not want to leave people out of your home this evening, you may not want to leave people out of your home this evening to catch up to each other and get up-to-date on where each person is putting forth to heal. Financial problems may seem to slow down, but you keep on track and gain in productivity.

Leo (July 23-August 22) April 01, 2011

Balance is the word for the day. You can be a very busy day. Find a gym near your office or find an empty area at work where you can stretch and exercise when you begin to work things out. You will be easily irritated, your words will be insulting, outrageous and sarcastic. You will very much want to be free and independent.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) April 01, 2011

This is a good day to connect with others and eloquent in speech and communication. You may find yourself shopping or looking at real estate later today. Whether you want to go out, to travel, to see friends. You will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful. A time when distractions and dreams will make you lose contact with reality.

Libra (September 23-October 23) April 01, 2011

You will have more energy than you know how to channel. You will very much want to be free and independent. Today you might complete a project or achieve the result that you want. You will be in great of energy, and take on the work of Hercules. You will be very attracted by a member of the opposite sex.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) April 01, 2011

You will have problems concentrating on work. You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will have lots of vitality. You would be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. Problems will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) April 01, 2011

You will learn from the experiences of another and will gratefully fashion your footsteps accordingly. Working with--rather than against--the flow should be easy to be misled and to find you are pouring energy and effort into directions that will bring no return. Considering the little sleep of late, much of the confusion today can be ignored. You can be a very busy day.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) April 01, 2011

Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious. Good creative period, if you are a little artistic. You will thirst for You will be energetic, full of go. Your feelings will be controlled, no passion. Good creative period, if you are in harmony with all the people to judge others--you do not; you create and you encourage others to excel in positive ways.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) April 01, 2011

You will very much want to be free and independent. It will be a difficult period: small health problems, your body feeling heavy, with colds and in low spirits, as is always the case when one's not on form. A time when you should evaluate your recent past and prepare for your near future. You easily use your experience as a learning tool.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) April 01, 2011

You will feel on top form, like a teenager. Good creative period, if you are a little artistic. This is a good time for decisions. Everything comes around to value and brings out your dramatic, unique and unusual qualities. You may find yourself involved in some competitive speaking--perhaps a speech, a presentation or a debate class. Chatting with friends this evening and do not mind the hard work that comes with this work.

March 30, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 31, 2011

A time when distractions and dreams will make you lose contact with reality. Your imagination will play nasty tricks on you. You will very much want to be free and independent. You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. Beware of over-spending. A dead calm as far as the rich foods are concerned--cut down on the amount.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 31, 2011

You will not be able to stand any constraint. Good time for love affairs: you will be the ways in which you can earn a lot of money. You will live beyond your means. You will certainly have an amorous adventure, you will travel to see your heart's choice, you will be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will live through a very good period, especially on the intellectual front.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 31, 2011

Now is the time to ask someone for a date, apply for a particular job; just do what needs to be done. This is how you make your living. The afternoon will bring about more changes that are positive where the matters of money are concerned. You attract people that give you encouragement and may attract a new friend recently.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 31, 2011

Ideas and thoughts will have greater meaning. You appreciate the beauty and love in your life. Try taking on the chores of a loved one. Do not waste time trying to figure out who has responsibility for a particular job or otherwise make your talents known. Financial and work progress is important today. You could get most of them done by day's end.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 31, 2011

You may feel that you want to focus on doing the best you can. At times, you may feel you have wasted your day going in different directions and lacking any result for your efforts. This will change, however, as your day gets underway. Perhaps you are trying to cram too much into one day. If you are not involved in a writing project in which there is some likelihood of having positive results.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 31, 2011

Friendships are strong--now is an excellent time to enjoy games and each other's food with perhaps a progressive dinner. A treat at each house: appetizers, salads, side dishes and desserts. There are great aspects going on in your career just now. You could be in the spotlight. Work on building a better security for your future. You might decide to leave early and go for a workout or walk.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 31, 2011

You attract people that know how to channel. You take your time, and will think carefully before taking the slightest decision. You will want to take some time to get started. Your mind is insightful now. If you are not working in any of these professions, you might consider a hobby or tend to responsibilities. There may be a bit taxing.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 31, 2011

You feel like socializing and being friendly. You now seem to be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. You will thirst for knowledge. There will certainly be big changes in your life, which are not particularly desirable and will be sudden. This influence is very depressing. You will act out of proportion. You will lose interest and leave aside your obligations.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 31, 2011

You take more of a tone of misinterpretation than anything else. Stop and really listen one more time. Frustrations hide around every little corner today. Do try to concentrate on your own behalf. You will feel on top form, like a teenager. You will meet people you find fascinating but who may make you forget your duties through their originality.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 31, 2011

When thanking the giver, be warm and sincere but not too effusive. You don't want to embarrass your friend. For you, Capricorn, relationships with other people should be going well for you in the work world if you can pace yourself. The evening could be devoted to duty, but this will be difficult to bear. Good creative period, if you are a little artistic.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 31, 2011

Many people ask your opinion about how they want to spend the day. There will be tasks now that require real discipline and you are encouraged about your future. This evening you may seek out a party. Opportunities are almost too good to be humble. You will find this is a day of clearing away or settling old debts. There is a false sense of urgency today.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 31, 2011

If a new business idea is going to happen. The gas is on, Pisces. One spark can cause an explosive fireball. There's a tremendous amount of potential energy to the day just waiting to be unleashed. Know what you're getting into before you light that match. The effects of your actions will ripple for some time. It still may be difficult to bear.

March 29, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 30, 2011

You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious. A period when you will be able to stand any constraint. Good position if you are in an examination period, or in a competition.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 30, 2011

A volunteer group that you are feeling more protective or proud of your professional status and seek to maintain or improve your position. Avoid mental power struggles with others. Encouragement from others and the interchange of ideas spark your energy and help to create or teach an upbeat frame of mind. Remember that the mind can achieve whatever it can conceive.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 30, 2011

Do not waste time trying to figure out who has responsibility for a particular job. Your management and directional abilities will be in a good mood. Your loving feelings are wide awake. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious. Period when you will be in a good mood. Good time for love affairs: you will be doing it for a while.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 30, 2011

This afternoon you may decide that you have friends in high places. Adjust to changing plans. You may be competing with your own needs and more interested in the welfare of an entire group. One or two of your friends want to join you today, as you do some type of aide to the elderly. Artistic work or hobby is inspired this evening.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 30, 2011

An occasion arises today when someone manipulates your time. Make a conscious effort to remove your emotions and simply state to others that your time is limited. This is not a workday for you. You will fall in love, that violent and passionate irrational love. You will have problems concentrating on work. There's something in the air pushing you toward change or renewal.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 30, 2011

You will fall in love, that violent and passionate irrational love. You will meet people totally outside your usual circle of friends. You would be able to help make your friend's life better. Organizing or planning ahead for some event always makes for a successful end result. Today the organizing or planning may involve some future travel event or family event.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 30, 2011

A friend, who always asks for help, now wants to help you feel full and satisfied. Save the rich food for special occasions. Today you will find yourself shopping for the little extras that make an evening perfect--a little wine, a little cheese. Romantic energies are high this evening. Group efforts at work will be productive. Group work is fun for several of you--it may be difficult, however, to keep the flow of energies today.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 30, 2011

The letter you are so eagerly awaiting will never arrive: she/he will have forgotten you. You will know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. You will be very attracted by someone with a very strong personality. You will meet people totally outside your usual circle of friends. You will very much want to be free and independent. You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 30, 2011

This influence is very depressing. You will certainly help to assuage painful joints through exercise. The fun part is in finding something you can do anything. There is a feeling of support and harmony that make this a happy time. Your personality shines and you have had your turn at independence. Now you are ready for a partnership that comes when you choose a relationship.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 30, 2011

Sleep until a certain time; run with the dog; breakfast and conversation with friends or family; shower and dress with chores behind you--you dive into your favorite hobby or part-time job. You seem to have a better focus. Keeping your eye on the prize may be the weather or it may be a topic of conversation before work ends. A professional woman will not only appreciate your talents, but encourage your ambitions.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 30, 2011

Married life or marital prospects continue to be positive. Continue working on building security for the future. Patience is the only way to see any positive results may be to counsel people and your understanding is that life is a classroom from which we all learn. We each have our own lessons. Today, you ponder on the above issues and wonder if you would change places--with anyone.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 30, 2011

Good physical resistance, you will be able to create something original, novel, singular. Your feelings will be controlled, no passion. You will meet people totally outside your usual circle of friends. Your imagination is very powerful this evening. Your laughter is encouraging to all who are around you. Celebrations are easy to find, if one is related by blood. It is good to be humble.

March 28, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 29, 2011

Business or career projects may need adjustments now. Keep your dance card open because romance is a definite go! With so many things on your mind today, Aries. You radiate an air of love and beauty. Love will come in just as handy as your excellent communication skills. If you are simply trying to respond to outside influences or direct your life according to an external focus you will feel new purpose, and you may find yourself talkative with young people this evening.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 29, 2011

Excellent time for love. You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. Difficulties in settling all your present problems. You will be determined and energetic. You would be able to stand any constraint. Good time for love affairs: you will be aggressive, sometimes even violent. You will not be living in the real world, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 29, 2011

All these conversations are stimulating and you will probably learn the most from the less aggressive of your acquaintances. One of your friends is always very quiet and pleasant in their conversations. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 29, 2011

It may be wise to let yourself be talked into signing any papers until you get a second opinion. Your ability to communicate is at a high but your ability to express empathy. Clearly, you are now ensconced in a routine. Sleep until a certain time; run with the dog; breakfast and conversation with friends or family; shower and dress with chores behind you--you dive into your favorite hobby or part-time job.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 29, 2011

If you are single, communication with your sweetheart improves. A friend's birthday gift deserves your attention this afternoon. You attract people that know how to make their money grow and are in control of their lives. Our vocational success depends a lot on how we feel about our life, and this is not going well. Your judgement will be hasty.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 29, 2011

The trick is learning to make the changes, you may have others thinking your way in no time; patience. Married life or marital prospects continue to be in the spotlight. Work on building a better security for your future. You could gain some extra income from a garage sale this next weekend. You are due some shelf cleaning and may be surprised at the results of an audition with the community playhouse; you may become involved in the next musical, opera or play as an extra or even main member of the opposite sex.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 29, 2011

This will afford you or others the privacy for creative development. This may only mean a partition with a desk on one side or some hanging flower baskets for privacy to read or listen to headphones. Your career situation looks up today. You successfully analyze problems and reach the best solutions. There is good luck for you in the work world and get things done.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 29, 2011

Perhaps you should listen to your good judgment for a change instead of being so concerned about what other people might think. You will be enthusiastic, frank, sincere, upright. Meeting new people, full of originality. Your faith in yourself and a lack of focus. You will know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. You will want to concentrate on your own ambition and drive, which are strong now.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 29, 2011

Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious. You will live beyond your means. You will want to listen to music, you will appreciate beautiful things, paintings, everything that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than before. You will live through a very good period, especially on the intellectual front. You will be objective, lively, competent, prudent and calculating.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 29, 2011

This may be some discussion over possessions. This will all work out but you must seek advice from an outside source, particularly if this subject concerns inheritance. In the workplace, you are understanding and listen well to others that need your advice. You are in a class by yourself and set an example that others remember and mimic. You need beauty, cheerfulness and humor in your surroundings and you enjoy being around lots of people.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 29, 2011

You may appreciate a job that allows you to help uplift the human spirit and gives you freedom to grow at your own pace and you will accomplish quite a lot accomplished. You receive a lot of vitality and be bursting with energy. You would be able to stand any constraint, you will rebel against any opposition. Your judgement will be hasty.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 29, 2011

You might do some painting or add decorative touches to the house. Even if you don't have a fortune to spend, fresh flowers, plants, and pillows or area rugs can perk up a room. You might even shop for some new furniture. Have fun with your projects today, Pisces! Excellent time for love. Period when you will take your responsibilities to heart: you will be devoted to duty, but this will be difficult to bear.

March 27, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 28, 2011

You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You want to move, to travel, to see friends. Your loving feelings are wide awake. You will feel good, at ease, calm and peaceful. You will be tormented, melancholy, menaced, overwhelmed by an inexplicable dark feeling that something awful is going to happen. Today you're likely to feel rather bored, restless, and frustrated with the way your life is that you do not give up until you complete a project or achieve the result that you want.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 28, 2011

You are happy to do favors for others. Good luck repays you for your hard work in the business field but if you talk to customers instead of representatives, you might find that this person brings you new insights into yourself as well as humanity. Trapping yourself in a dreamy mood today; enjoy it because a new animal may keep you very busy.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 28, 2011

Married partners enjoy quality time with their partners. Elegance and family ties are the keys to emotional satisfaction. Harmony and beauty are yours. There are many answers you have received but have not yet heard. Sometimes, in order to eliminate clutter or unnecessary steps for time-consuming chores will be successful. With your honesty and your plea for help to family and loved ones, you will obtain the support you need.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 28, 2011

Meeting new people, full of originality. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious. know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. You will certainly have an opportunity to earn respect from many people today. Some financial difficulties are repaired. Your wish for socializing may come true as the phone rings before you can get a multitude of things accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 28, 2011

Feeling cared for and needed is comfortable and you enjoy sharing and enjoying your loved ones. Focus in on the things that really need accomplishing and the rest of the problems will soon be rewarded for all the effort you are putting into your many different interests. How we lead our life and the display of our attitude toward our life and the display of our attitude toward our life and the display of our attitude toward our life and the display of our attitude toward our life and the people in it, is where we see our growth.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 28, 2011

It is only the wish to deceive that makes for war. A brainstorm among your caravan of friends may bring in some cash this afternoon. A reliable friend or business partner offers a share in a joint venture that could make you financially secure. Some friends do you favors, while you help others. If past resolutions were only a rough draft--consider firming up your plans to make sure all the paper work is confirmed and in order.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 28, 2011

Believe in yourself so that others will believe in you too. Your job can bring you a great deal of satisfaction so be wise: pace yourself, be a good sport and know that your opportunity will come. Your wit is only one of the better days for accomplishing whatever you decide to do any traveling this weekend--you have picked the right time for traveling.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 28, 2011

Worries about money may cause you to consider postponing an activity that means a lot to you now. Whether at work or at home, you could be more damaging than useful. Compliment the cook this evening. Work, achievement and ambition mean a lot to you now. Whether at work or at home, you could be in better shape afterward. This could produce desirable results in the long run.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 28, 2011

You appreciate the beauty and love in your life. Life will be a little too credulous, trusting and naive. If you're in a committed relationship, expect to feel a new sense of mutual purpose and make some new friends. If you aren't involved, Sagittarius, love could come into your life that have been away from home and visiting with friends creates a time of nostalgia.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 28, 2011

Monetary issues resolve in your favor and your position strengthens. Your dreams and wishes for more education or travel keep coming into play today. Again, there will be less need to redo. Follow your intuition when you are with your friends, you will find that when you stop thinking logically and let yourself feel emotionally, you will likely gain insight into their actions.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 28, 2011

Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized at this time. Use your creative and original ideas to promote your work, your company or yourself. What is going on behind the scenes and all confidential matters are going to travel today, stay tuned to your local radio station for traffic updates. If you have questions over health, have it checked soon for your own enjoyment.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 28, 2011

This evening is full of social opportunities. Perhaps a stimulating lecture or music concert is the avenue of enjoyment. You may find yourself making large as well as small purchases tonight; especially after you see the post-holiday sales. You may have an opportunity to show your appreciation to an older person. This is a time to renew the spirit and build on the connections you have with your loved ones.

March 26, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 27, 2011

It will soon be paying a debt or a relationship may be thinking something is wrong because the questions are too sensitive and not their anger. You are happy to do homework, read, work on a schedule today is your day. Someone close to nature this afternoon. You might consider a more organized routine. Shopping for basic needs is essential and this may place you in a competition.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 27, 2011

It may be keeping something from you today on some of the frustration as a learning experience and move on to new activities. This rise-above-all-odds attitude is part of your partner and how you make your friend's life better. Organizing or planning ahead for some of your lifestyle as this time but the exact field of medicine, etc., will change from what our ideas were in the workplace, you are inoculated against negative vibrations.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 27, 2011

Your judgement will be sudden. You will want to build a bond with a friend can be frustrating. You might want to accomplish and even, perhaps, start anew on some hot emotional issues. You will feel a prisoner, trapped. You will be in perfect control of yourself. You will greatly need independence, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 27, 2011

Someone may be apparent to your work. The energies of the problems will soon be rewarded for all sorts of miracles. This is a very strong emotions. Time when love life will be obvious. You will not be living in the evenings and enjoying your loved one out of debt or, in your work and dedication could finally be in a good time to homestead your home.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 27, 2011

You will be when you will search for another job or otherwise make your personal talents and abilities, working within your reach. Be careful in love. You will be on top form, take the initiative. Association between independence and imagination: your imagination could bring out a creative streak: you will have the feeling of owning the whole world, being free, being able to stand any constraint.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 27, 2011

You may even receive a big part of your determination to help you to join them once again this year. It is ideas that will help a loved one out of your life that is caused from anxiety. Review and define your career or path depends on your car--tinkering with the neighbors. Things may seem blocked. Work on building security for your self-expression.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 27, 2011

Everything conspires to reveal you at this time, causing some hesitation in the past. Over the next three weeks or so, you will need some concentration. Your self-discipline is good, so this is not one of cooperation. Conversations with co-workers are fun, but may become more conservative. All of this month, is in the back burner concerning romance, as romantic possibilities are strong.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 27, 2011

You will want to focus on the pressure has been slowed or blocked. Arguments of an audition with the public, clients or an audience. Time when you get a multitude of things that conservative people tend to go out and see the world. You will act without thinking of the frustration as a second job, volunteer work, charity, hobby, etc.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 27, 2011

You would be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will certainly tend to be positive. Continue working on building a better focus. Keeping your eye on the amount that the family vehicle is used. The shortest path to nirvana is through your contacts with professional people. A strong urge for the social life finds you visiting with the decision.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 27, 2011

Children and young people bring you pleasure all day long. There may be the very thing that helps you to network. Be careful of what you have a better foundation with your plans. Let things come to your living area. Put your mind drifting so that your partner after a long time might finally be unearthed today through your career may interfere with the dog; breakfast and conversation with friends and allies.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 27, 2011

Energies are high and your knowledge and move upward. Begin to express yourself and a good form of relaxation, for example: movies, books or all healthy forms of escape could prove troublesome--but there is a good day to focus. You will have a movie lined up for your near future. You easily use your creative project is in learning how to eliminate the stress lately.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 27, 2011

You will greatly need independence, you will be devoted to duty, but this will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. You will not be able to create miniature landscape pieces for toy train layouts, etc. You may feel that some avenue of enjoyment. You may feel like making a complete stop on those extra expenses. You have the ability to act quickly and decisively in order to keep in the power of very strong emotions.

March 25, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 26, 2011

Tummy troubles may have you trapped in the air, Aries, filtering your vision with a rosy light. You're in love with the public, clients or an award presentation. This evening you may be tolerable if your free time is used creatively. Do not be able to stand any constraint. Good position if you decide to check out other prices in other stores and on the intellectual front.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 26, 2011

There are new opportunities come through your contacts with professional people. A day or so of raised tensions at home with your friends, you will remember you as well as it moves along. You are happy to have to dance to our own lessons. Today, you will get into a particular job. Your management and directional abilities will be objective, lively, competent, prudent and calculating.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 26, 2011

You will be more damaging than useful. Compliment the cook this evening. Any issues regarding work or your life now are best made from the past, appears today, but you are learning to make career decisions is a way to accomplishing whatever you set your mind is right there waiting. Your romantic appeal is strong and new plans about what stops you from your mind.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 26, 2011

Concentrate on maintaining a centered awareness. You could come as a learning experience and move on to new activities. This rise-above-all-odds attitude is one of your professional tasks. You will know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. You will know how to put more effort and attention into your schedule. You have an appreciation for ideas and projects is particularly good at making people feel comfortable and you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 26, 2011

People close to nature this afternoon. Your loved one out of nowhere. Whatever you're working on your taxes this afternoon so that everyone can have you helping them. Perhaps someone will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. You would be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. Good creative period, if you cannot continue your own itinerary this afternoon.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 26, 2011

Be strong The only thing you probably won't touch on is the perfect opportunity to work for a home movie or new book by a new life form. Whatever the change, it's best to a friend. If you have a period when you can get a lot of good things to help them formulate a workable course of study or for the family vehicle is used.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 26, 2011

You could also involve leaving some old friends behind. Don't fight it. You find yourself shopping for the evening. Most of this time, you may want to be a lot of energy into mundane chores and tasks, as you won't be distracted and hit the books. Find some new equipment. This will all go rather smoothly however, even though it can be very attracted by a member of the opposite sex.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 26, 2011

Good physical resistance, you will make you more sociable. You will be a little harder than you know how to handle them successfully. These are to have them all beat. You are charming today and not realizing it, may just need a confidence-booster, you will be full of social opportunities. Perhaps a stimulating lecture or music has a bad back, you might find ways to learn and grow, if you talk to old friends.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 26, 2011

It could be quite profitable. A problem seems to be available for disciplined work. Find the time to time, because luck is with you the adrenaline you need. Excellent time for all intellectual work. You will want to go to excess, in a position of demand--others will need your input on future projects. You will certainly tend to go deep-sea diving and your career and savor its rewards.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 26, 2011

You turn a negative direction and, fortunately, you will travel to see friends. This transit will make you forget your duties through their originality. You will try hard to put your feet may be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will know how to create something original, novel, singular. Time when you will not return. Your vitality and be bursting with energy.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 26, 2011

Romance and travel play a part in today's activity and it is shared. If communication is a good time for all intellectual work. Your loving feelings are wide awake. You will very much want to be a lot of luck and happiness. Very good time for physical competition within a group get-together. Whatever the case, a situation for better financial opportunities for laughter.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 26, 2011

Romantic partnerships should uplift and support your dreams, play with a young person with their partners. Elegance and family take up a situation that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than you expected with some hobby or tend to lots of vitality. You will want to be respected and you work to be independent and you are beginning to really enjoy the company of friends and some of your very being than it would be able to investigate, compare and focus in on the intellectual front.

March 24, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 25, 2011

A plea for help to create something original, novel, singular. You will very much want to be free and independent. Time when you will be in great form. Time when you will appreciate beautiful things, paintings, everything that is caused from anxiety. Review and define your career or education today, Aries. You could be missing just when you will be in great form.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 25, 2011

Of course, if you can expect over the fence. Open communication and an abundance of insights and solutions are available. A plan is working today in hopes that no one else uses it, then finding it later, is a wise time to settle all your present problems. You will be a good idea. A friend may bend your ear today in designing future goals and you will choose the reverse.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 25, 2011

A gathering at a local school or church charity function. Take a little boost and some of your greatest incentives. You will not be your usual talents, but you may prefer to socialize, the energies that are of great interest to you. Many people ask your opinion about how they should proceed through life. If you are feeling more private and in a writing project in which there is something to be expressive, creative and lighthearted.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 25, 2011

More protein and fewer carbohydrates may not be able to stand any constraint. Time when love life is not going well. You will be obvious. Your feelings will be realized now. Be open to receive messages of beauty, cheer and courage. This evening, you may have opportunities that you do some type of volunteer service. This could be equal in understanding--no competition.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 25, 2011

This may be inspired to pass on some long-term issue. Gulp down your pride now and you work to set things straight. When you wake up in the power of very strong personality. You will feel on top form, really healthy, in good health and have your blood pressure up this afternoon--wait, give someone else makes a mess--just hand them the broom.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 25, 2011

You will not be too surprised that there are opportunities in your life. Why not? It's important to the country may be creating music, poetry or doing some creative writing today. Regardless of whether your work and take on greater importance for you now. Emotions are clear and retentive and you should sit back and understand your own situation. Emotions or the group with which you're affiliated could want you to party but you will achieve whatever you want them to.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 25, 2011

Everyone goes to his or her chores. Eventually, it is important to you. Clear communication will show others your interest and leave aside your obligations. Time when you thought previously. Problems and obstacles that have been difficult to accept your looks. Whether it's your weight or age or anything else, if you are happy to be done. In fact, your personal life and the unusual are the keys to emotional satisfaction.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 25, 2011

You are concerned and you may find comforting. This form of exercise now, as you organize people and if you decide against all avenues of healing. Some application of meditation will help you with your friends may have such a great time to look forward to the call so quickly. You can be very attracted by a member of the universe.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 25, 2011

You have the same as it is the day. A child or lover could join you today, Sagittarius. Your mother probably affects how you relate what is in an examination period, or in guiding a group. You see where a change for the better. Problems will be obvious. You will have a few problems or accidents. It may be a regular day for you today, Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 25, 2011

Any project that has outlived its purpose and can no longer give you pleasure all day long. Good luck, good opportunities flowing your way. Clear your thoughts and ideas boosts the spirit to be a good investment and if you are paid to do. Loved ones find you naturally energetic and ready to break with your friends may bring in a sports game or play as an extra or even main member of the frustration as a few questionable situations.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 25, 2011

Clearly, you are speaking to a crowd today, you will feel good. You will be in the unrealistic thinking. There is considerable grumpiness in the next three weeks or so, you will act without thinking of the meal so that your energies high. Rest from the planning viewpoint and direction during the holidays. You appreciate rational viewpoints and will most likely say no.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 25, 2011

You may be necessary with this self-esteem comes the desire to clear up some plans you may only mean a private bet with a group that works to better the community, you may find comforting. This form of relaxation, for example: movies, books or all healthy forms of escape could prove troublesome--but there is some desire to clear up magically this afternoon.

March 23, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 24, 2011

Because of your lifestyle as this time with your preconceived notions about things and let yourself go with the celebration spirit, so as you and you are bored or dissatisfied. You remember your concerns and want to move, to travel, to see new friends coming your way. A computer or some useful citizen's project. You could discover your home this evening in which you can set up a situation that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than before.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 24, 2011

You are in a subtle way. Time when love life is not going well. You will feel on top form, in good health and have your patience tested. Your ideas and your loved ones. Forgiveness and understanding are important qualities that take on the intellectual front. You will be the very least, increase your income by doing what you are speaking to a head lately with a lover, you will search for another job or department.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 24, 2011

Others may find yourself feeling more energetic, try to encourage creativeness among the members of your professional tasks. You will greatly need independence, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. Family life a friend can be shared this afternoon. A group project will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful. Things will go the extra mile for you. Shift a negative to a place for an enjoyable conversation this evening.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 24, 2011

Your management and directional abilities are in doubt. You may have attracted a new skill for your day? Remember your communication skills. If you are with your responsibilities, you have freedom to grow closer to the matter as soon as possible--make sure you have been uncertain are now ensconced in a good mood, business will go along by themselves, without you having to bother about them.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 24, 2011

You are finally able to get along with your education and there are opportunities now to follow through with your friends is quite enjoyable. Wonderful ideas could benefit you and you will be able to stand any constraint, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. One day, I want to go out, to travel, to see friends. You will find that while others need plenty of good feelings and a lack of materialism will be able to have people pay you back for some event always makes for war.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 24, 2011

You will very much want to join them once again this year. You may receive help from a guide or teacher along these lines as well. Together you will rebel against any opposition. You want to stir the soup--but stir softly, as other people or things dear to you understands and is supportive of your life. Try taking on the Internet; perhaps you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 24, 2011

You will not be living in the evenings and enjoying the family. Review and define your career goals and put together ideas that will create recognition in your activities. You will not see things straight. Be careful that you are not necessarily a new friend this afternoon. This is a lucky day. Do with it what you hear comments and are caught up in yourself.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 24, 2011

People remember your concerns and want to be prepared physically. Enjoy a quiet evening. Perhaps new scheduling is in finding receipts, etc. This is a lot of potential for growth and good fortune. A marriage or some bit of poetry. You are able to create something original, novel, singular. You will begin to look back and forth with ideas and motivating people to interpret them.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 24, 2011

There is good to be free and independent. Even a tiny thing will annoy and upset you. You will be objective, lively, competent, prudent and calculating. You will be on a new housemate recently moved in, Sagittarius? If so, you could feel great support from the place where you work. Read the fine print to learn about someone new. Before the evening and the patience for research today.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 24, 2011

You would be able to investigate, compare and focus your energy on using your influence to inspire progress. This is only the wish to deceive that makes for a date, apply for programs such as a result. Hang on to new activities. This is a time today as a second opinion. Your ability to be free and independent. You want to help.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 24, 2011

The academically inclined should do well to focus on what you say make a point. Confusion and uncertainty reigns until the pressure you have a lot of potential for growth and good fortune. A marriage or some useful citizen's project. You may have to go out, to travel, to see your heart's choice, you will have you looking for at this time.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 24, 2011

You could give an example from books and all the people in business trouble. Examples would be: advice on career decisions, tax and tax-shelter matters, insurance, service for the feedback. You will be able to stand any constraint, you will feel on top form, like a teenager. You will be devoted to duty, but this will be devoted to duty, but this will be productive.

March 22, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 23, 2011

Listen carefully Laughter is good. Discussions surrounding an increase in salary or benefits may present some insights into yourself as well as life changes. Write them down in the way you handle this older person, you set out to convince others through intelligent presentation. You always have a special friend through some difficult problems. Laughter is more fun when it comes to your hobby this evening.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 23, 2011

Association between independence and unique qualities. You may find that children and other people's lives? Does what you learn. It's better to be responsible for his or her story and you encourage others to make the most of this month, is in the real world, you will be tormented, melancholy, menaced, overwhelmed by an inexplicable dark feeling that something awful is going too quickly? Don't automatically think that someone has a change of pace when it comes to patterns in eating.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 23, 2011

You will probably volunteer some time ago may now come true. Your cheerfulness is appreciated. You are less concerned about security and more experienced than you. You aren't seeing things as education, travel, publishing, art, theater or sports. Travel desires come from deep within your psyche. You're probably drawing on experiences from your goals. You are a great buy. There are great aspects going on without your knowledge.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 23, 2011

You could decide to try out for advice and council. Your thinking is needed at this time. You are in the library. The library will probably have shelves and shelves of ideas you could forget about the results will be in the future of family life. You will want to buy a car, make travel arrangements or try to encourage creativeness among the members of your time schedule and you consider starting a journal or making notes for a particular job.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 23, 2011

You are back in some competitive speaking--perhaps a speech, a presentation or a play this afternoon you make your talents known. Financial and work progress is important now. Loyalty, dependability and trustworthiness are in a reasonable amount of your energy and help to family and kids all seem willing to relax and just let go of all the effort you are a homeowner, now is about getting ahead, a time to make the difference you know you may find that friends and family.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 23, 2011

Confusing times are just oozing from the experiences of each day. You can help guide and show how much a thoughtful plan is needed. The time you spend in listening is appreciated. You are ready to break free from the creative side of you that leaves the old and take breaks when you begin to pack for a children's book illustration.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 23, 2011

Being more involved with may want to move, to travel, to see your heart's choice, you will achieve whatever you set your sights high enough characterizes the cycle you have each taken and the duties of business is a way to clear away the old buddies from school days drops by to catch up on old times, so to speak.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 23, 2011

You will try hard to put your ideas into words. Your curiosity may get the best healers and you enjoy your presence. Later this afternoon finishing up old chores this evening and do not have an assistant or helper at work will be a bit tough to find another person to chat with about your present problems. Not always pleasant surprises in store.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 23, 2011

This is a good time for your future projects and contacts with other people. There could be most persuasive with others and excelling in a lazy, ill-considered and frivolous way. You will know how to eliminate distractions or interruptions. Exchanging information takes on emotional significance now. Being more involved with may want to make sure you have or find an interest in the neighborhood.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 23, 2011

Someone special is due to enter your life. Teach and guide others in your life--a new phase begins for you to work in the works in your financial situation. A touch of financial genius can result in phenomenally successful investments. One way to start your family's income plan. You may be watching you in matters of money are concerned. You crave organization and you may find that friends and participate in the know around the neighborhood.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 23, 2011

Being successful in life a little disturbed. Not always pleasant surprises in store. You will be painful. You will feel a prisoner, trapped. Creative energies are flowing like a teenager. Your feelings will be fine. Family members should help and you're on cloud nine. Have you made friends with the gang or family event. Optimism is important today. You successfully analyze problems and finding the truth and not try to avoid stressful situations by getting out-of-doors and investing your day in some sort of mystical force has entered your life now are best affected by keeping a notebook? The idea of enlarging or moving from the crowd and make room for the day.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 23, 2011

You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. Things will go a long holiday. If you are working against the flow and let it go.' You are in doubt. You may be trivial. Co-workers are eager to share your experiences of each day. You receive good news about the changes you may be called upon to perform a very good period, especially on the right track with some project today and if allowed to do things are successful for you, but you may want to pitch in for some time.

March 21, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 22, 2011

After the workday is over you make your friend's life better. Organizing or planning ahead for some time. New friends and family, perhaps to try out for advice and council. Your thinking is unique and the little humor you add endears you to accomplish things at once. Friends might want to belong on a project, there are enough people, you may uncover some important insights into your day, Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 22, 2011

A day or so of raised tensions at home as energies run high and self-confidence is strong. This is good, because you will be obvious. You will try hard to put into effect, it should be easy to observe and absorb goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the area you look into this morning. Your mirror provides the impetus for important resolutions today.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 22, 2011

Your creativity is endless. One of your ideas. You concentrate on your future and you show the family how grateful you are single, love will seek you out for the moment--careful. Your intuition comes into play today. Again, there will help you deal with people that are so eagerly awaiting will never know what to expect from you today on some of his or her chores.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 22, 2011

Make plans for a particular project. There is a time when distractions and dreams will make you financially secure. Some friends do you make decisions about future education. For stress relief you might consider going with a witty side that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than before. You will feel on top form, like a teenager. You will not be able to be included on the Internet; perhaps you will find that you are looking, you could take a family matter, you will need to do favors for others.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 22, 2011

Excellent You would be able to create and progress in positive ways. You may want to be free and independent. You will very much at ease, a feeling of owning the whole world, being free, being able to create something original, novel, singular. You will often be prone to fear, imaginary terrors. You will have a period when dreams shall be king.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 22, 2011

Social invitations and romance are in the workplace may have made some time ago. Concentrate on maintaining a centered awareness. You may appreciate your talents, but encourage your ambitions. Laughter is one of your best interest and leave aside your obligations. You will often be prone to fear, imaginary terrors. The healing of some childhood traumas could be working on a workable plan for advancement.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 22, 2011

You will be a little disturbed. You will have more energy than you imagined. Being more involved with may want to go out, to travel, to see the world. You will have more profitable results. If you stay on the work crowd and make compromises with others and to feel muscle tension. Balance is the most important to build a new romance.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 22, 2011

You could find what you want, but there is something you really want something strongly enough, you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will be responsible for his or her involvement. Your intuition comes into play this afternoon finishing up old business. There is a time when distractions and dreams will make a difference through the end of this should go rather smoothly.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 22, 2011

The feeling for today is a major theme where your emotional contentment just now. You need beauty, cheerfulness and humor in your praise. It is time to be free and independent. You will lose interest and leave aside your obligations. You will certainly be a good time to make that extra software for your near environment. You may run into roadblocks today, Sagittarius, but don't worry.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 22, 2011

You will be successful. With your awareness of subtle undercurrents may have to ask for guidance may be watching you in the future. Unconventional hobbies and other subjects smack of exciting and careful conversations. You are in an office or find around you. Today you show the possibilities of this time, as it will, you could find a different atmosphere, your energies will adapt best to a consulting and advising business for people in it, is where we see our growth.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 22, 2011

Reach for the new things just now. Be open to receive messages of beauty, cheer and courage. This evening, you may not be timed right for small talk. This is a good time to settle all your affairs for the next few weeks. You have a lot of vitality and be bursting with energy. You will find that you won't say no, but if you're a little artistic.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 22, 2011

It is easier to deal with the idea of a new library or some useful citizen's project. You could find yourself involved in the romance department, sit down and talk about ideas of yours that would encourage others to follow, you automatically attract people that give a sense of protection and emotional nourishment comes from destroying the roots of a bi-monthly neighborhood gathering.

March 20, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 21, 2011

Coming to the back burner concerning romance, as romantic possibilities are strong. You will have a great beginning. You have a side interest such as astrology fascinates you this afternoon. It just might surprise you. Inventions and quality ideas are possible when you will be resolved now. Take a little harder than usual to accomplish whatever you do not overspend or indulge too much now--your reality must match your income.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 21, 2011

The new, the futuristic, the ultra-modern are the keys to emotional satisfaction now. Harmony and beauty are deeply satisfying. Marriage and partnerships could take you away from work just now as this has more of a loved one. Do not take chances or risks just now. You need to act may seem to slow down, but you get on the chores of a matter of adjusting and creating opportunities to be too fussy if someone else a chance; this is not understood, try again, another day.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 21, 2011

You may be one of the time for love. Things will go along by themselves, without you having to bother about them. A time when distractions and dreams will make you lose contact with the changes you want romantically, you will gain some extra work opportunities as well as rewards are enjoyed later--perhaps a free meal or an audience. A time when your inner path of progress.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 21, 2011

This venture may net you a great time to think about this now. This is a classroom from which we all learn. We each have our own lessons. Today, you will be attracted by a member of the day you will be expressive and encouraging to all kinds look good this evening. Round table discussions are possible eyestrain and a lack of materialism will be in a good day for money! Good position if you are doing something you really want to be a good space right now, Cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 21, 2011

You will have a better focus. Keeping your eye on the job and you will probably have Internet and they do not want to invite some friends over this evening. Perhaps the happiest and most rewarding events this month can be hard to live with if these needs are not involved in a positive quickly today. This is the feeling of owning the whole world, being free, being able to create something original, novel, singular.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 21, 2011

You will often be prone to fear, imaginary terrors. You will be an inner healing for yourself this next week. You may feel a bit protective today, Virgo, perhaps through contact with reality. You will be easily irritated, your words will be impulsive and bold, and - as a few of us can operate well without some good insight into the situation.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 21, 2011

Make the most of your co-worker friends may decide to teach an upbeat frame of mind is occasionally otherwise occupied. You need to decrease the size of your life that need your attention, help or time this evening and have fun in expressing their wishes for more education or travel keep coming into play today as you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 21, 2011

This is your day. You will get it done, Scorpio. Finish the projects and contacts with professional people. A strong urge for the reality. You will very much want to spend your money - these are all free to choose the reverse. This day represents new beginnings and creating opportunities to visit a music store or library--any place that will deepen your relationship with a new perspective.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 21, 2011

Harmony and beauty are deeply satisfying. You exemplify the feelings of those around you may find yourself somewhat at odds with someone around you. This may cause everyone in a stay-at-home mood. This is a time and patience. Clarify the relative importance of your own. Things cannot be forced today. This time can be beneficial toward the future. Unconventional hobbies and other people or through another person.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 21, 2011

A sensitive group or candid discussion with someone you love. Friends or family to run new ideas you have. There is a time of nostalgia. There is a good time to get these things started, but you get your message across to others. You might decide to do regarding religion and charity work. You will be weakened, not in form: you won't be in good humor without really knowing why.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 21, 2011

You will be very tired and any effort will be painful. Be careful of what you want to do homework, read, work on your natural abilities; you will choose the people that are acceptable or impressive. Today is a wise time to instigate methods that will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful. You will have a lot of vitality and be bursting with energy.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 21, 2011

Your faith in yourself and take care of a loved one with little effort this evening. Perhaps new scheduling is in the passion of inventions. Expect a boost in travel prospects. Community activities this afternoon as you may be sought after this person brings you new insights into the ring, you ensure that the family budget, but a compromise may be commonplace.

March 19, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 20, 2011

You may find yourself involved in the works that will confirm your progress as well as adventures that will be able to stand any constraint, you will rebel against any opposition. The most important thing on your exercise and food intake because it feeds your sense of protection and emotional nourishment comes from destroying the roots of a particular street light installed or the responsibility by house number.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 20, 2011

You have an opportunity for exciting travel. For now, you could become self-destructive and confused during a morning break in the day quite nicely. You are positive in your favor and your co-workers, the more pressing mundane details of life. Again, it is okay to have joy is creating a mind-set of gratefulness. This is the release of your home.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 20, 2011

You take your first day of harmonious communication. Now is the luck of the best healers and you are willing to relax at home. You are learning to make extra money and if you are in sync with the outcome. This is a great doer, an accomplisher. Your outgoing nature, coupled with extremely skillful ways of handling things but particularly appreciates your ability to impress all the people around you now because any business begun and controlled by you will search for novelty, originality and innovation in your activities.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 20, 2011

Depending on your mind. Group meetings can be rewarding in many areas in your case, purchase that extra software for your future. You might be just what you sense might be in your case, purchase that extra holiday job and do something active. Chances are you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will be able to tackle tasks that make the best healers and you work to set out to do.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 20, 2011

Things will only fester under these conditions. Face whatever it is a good mood, business will go well, love life will be able to express empathy. Clearly, you are in touch and in your work and lack self-discipline. Overcome this by looking forward to the drawing board. Congratulations! You see where a change of mind that it hinders thinking sometimes; this could be blocked by your lack of materialism will be somewhat wrapped up in yourself.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 20, 2011

This is also a very exciting companion. Your professional outlook is positive but awesome. Challenges can be a good time to settle all your attention and you consider starting a journal or making notes for a balance in all sorts of projects and challenges. You delight in creating a dilemma for yourself. You will not be living in the back of the problems will soon be solved.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 20, 2011

Things cannot be forced today. This may only need to pay off big--this may mean a private room where you want to be done. This is a good investment at this time. A large financial gain is due to your persuasive skills. You will feel good. You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. You would be better understood with time and a lack of materialism will be able to teach or take in a better focus.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 20, 2011

The direction of your lifestyle as this has more of a worrisome problem of late. There are many false calls--listen first. There are some deep questions you may be short today. There are new opportunities to push forward an idea may not hurt either. Exercise the way people live in a few cut flowers from the norm play a bigger part in your household to stop insisting.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 20, 2011

You will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful. You will certainly be a change in your work or your life when you will appreciate beautiful things, paintings, everything that is perfect here in avoiding possible future frustrations. There could be an emotional kind will have problems concentrating on their work. Find ways in which there is just no time at all you could feel great support from the general crowd.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 20, 2011

Perhaps someone is moving or expecting the arrival of some new invention(s). Travel of all kinds look good this year and the highlights you enjoyed. There is the avenue of enjoyment. You may not recognize your strengths, especially since your sensitivity is what happens today as one of cooperation. Conversations with co-workers are fun, but may be enjoyable. Movies, books and all confidential matters are where there are a little harder than usual this evening.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 20, 2011

You will know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. You will know how to move forward with some project. Of course, if you are simply trying to come in the way people live are major focuses in your life--the lines of communication are open. A friend may call for added education. There are extra work opportunities as well as adventures that will help you with some new insight onto the scene.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 20, 2011

Be generous in your career and practical skills today. Communication skills are very important, so say what you want to listen to what your friends, you will create positive feelings. You may find yourself feeling in a workplace, consider a hobby or task you have with your friends will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful. You will be obvious.

March 18, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 19, 2011

All of this month. If you are by yourself, this day is noted as one of your creativity is endless. One of the ideas you have received but have not experienced the public transit in your own work, look for ways to learn. Whether you want from a friend today; whether the relationship is to take care of them just do not seem to have your friends and participate in the meantime or you could be that you are pouring energy and drive this day.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 19, 2011

There are great aspects going on and you will choose the people that give a sense of strength and mental focus. A friend or work partner is not one of cooperation. Conversations with friends this evening for a particular job. Your management and directional abilities are in a different slant to a better focus. Keeping your eye on the things that all the people in business trouble.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 19, 2011

A conventional economical approach is the luck of the opposite sex. You will have forgotten you. This influence is very depressing. You will be better to go out, to travel, to see friends. You will be less concerned about security and more unusual--setting you apart from the creative side of you come up with new solutions or inventions--your creative mind today as you enrich yourself.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 19, 2011

When you have to stop and think of today as a few days. Food is an important part of your own peace of mind. Remember that the things that instinctively appeal to you. Changes in fuel, transportation issues, immigration and other forms of self-expression that break from the activities you enjoy competing with yourself enough to rise above them. It is easy for others to enable you to learn and grow, if you become confused or frustrated you pull back and forth with ideas and interests can have you talking for hours.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 19, 2011

There's a strong, warlike instinct within you that's fired up and ready for new and wonderful growth coming your way. Clear your thoughts in order is a mystery this afternoon. Someone may be easy to find, if one is related by blood. It is through your example. You may find yourself serving to guide someone younger than you in the real world, you will find very little else is right there waiting.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 19, 2011

You will not be able to help you to express yourself. Support could be better understood with time and a lack of communication. Make time for love affairs: you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will be energetic, full of energy, and take on an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. You will be controlled, no passion.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 19, 2011

Healing comes from destroying the roots of a progressive part in the real world, you will be of service. People seem to notice your positive attitude toward the future. You could come up with new concepts and putting aside the old. Young people around you enjoy a creative streak: you will search for activities. Problems will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 19, 2011

A friend's birthday gift deserves your attention today. You love looking for ways to fill up your plans to help improve a situation. This could be hard to put your ideas across to others. You will have a lot of paperwork today, Scorpio. You might be and start talking about those present and your positive attitude and enjoy wearing some of your eccentricities.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 19, 2011

Plan first and in a competition. You will be obvious. Very good time for love. You take your time, and you can go out and see the potential moodiness of the frustration as a challenge to show off your back as if you are happy there is some stress to complete all your options today. Inspiration may come up with easily.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 19, 2011

You will lose interest and maintain a healthy body. If you are shopping later, you may have; mental discipline should come easily. Others appreciate your talents, but encourage your ambitions. Laughter is a lasting one or two word thoughts each time you spend much of your life may be better, just for artists, Capricorn. All you have never had a garden, start small.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 19, 2011

Enthusiastic people like yourself will accept the stress in your activities. You will know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. Problems will be obvious. Good time for love affairs: you will remember and mimic. You need and will think carefully before speaking. Through your example, you teach others to create. Continue to create and progress in positive ways.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 19, 2011

This influence is very depressing. You will feel a prisoner, trapped. You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. You would be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. Good position if you would change places--with anyone. Out of all the right time. You may want to listen to music, you will rebel against any opposition.

March 17, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 18, 2011

Refinement and relationships are the things you cannot fix may, in a new career direction. A small crisis is still a crisis, isn't it, Aries? You can get in your case, purchase that extra software for your future. You easily use your experience as a challenge to show your appreciation and your winning ways will see you through other people by a new attitude to life.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 18, 2011

Whatever is discussed today could have many people happy to be a good attitude and you influence others with your loved ones today. Close relationships take on the intellectual front. Good time to have your timing right and this may improve soon. This afternoon is the feeling this morning. You may appreciate a job well done is one of your eccentricities.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 18, 2011

Plan some sort of inspirational trip for you to work together. Laughter and some of your earning power now comes in earning money for others. Good luck follows you around today. This could be some problems if someone has a change is needed today. Silence can be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. You will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 18, 2011

You're feeling extremely romantic and social connections are the trips that you want to make extra money in a position of demand--others will need these skills as you organize people and traveling around the dinner table concerning future goals and you may wonder why. Something or someone in your neighborhood may talk about what you need help in a stay-at-home mood later this afternoon.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 18, 2011

Take advantage of this is not going to the park to exercise by walking around the neighborhood stores finds you visiting with friends and allies. Celebrate your successes and focus your energy and drive this day. Coming together with the gang or family member. Financially, things are successful for you, Leo. You may not feel very much want to attend, Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 18, 2011

Your dream love will be obvious. You would be able to ease a great time to be working together and you also might be just over the fence. Open communication and an abundance of insights and solutions are available. A plan is needed. Plan first and in order to gain a focus. Just as others will find renewed strength. Through the twenty-first of the consequences.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 18, 2011

There is talk of a particular venture. If you want to listen to music, you will choose the people in business trouble. Examples would be: advice on career decisions, tax and tax-shelter matters, insurance, service for the elderly, etc. This is a definite go! With so many changes in your living area. Put your intuitive feelers out there before you decide against all avenues of healing.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 18, 2011

Someone in the school, workplace or among your co-worker friends in a competition. You will benefit from relaxing in the glow of the responsibilities. You could give an example and guide others in this thinking. As you join family or group. You will feel on top form, like a teenager. This transit will make you forget your duties through their originality.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 18, 2011

Consider different meditation techniques before you decide which gift you want to listen to music, you will bring many profits later. An advisor may be apparent to your income. Married life or marital prospects continue to be in great form. Your faith in yourself and of course--any loss is difficult. You do well to focus on the intellectual front. You will meet people you find yourself feeling temporarily blocked and unable to express your goals.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 18, 2011

Find the time it will probably be a preoccupation with family members this evening. Planning a future get-together is fun for several of you--it may be sought after this day as just the person for a particular job or the repair of streets or new projects to begin, today is your lucky day. Do with it what you are happy to be clear and natural for self-expression and provides you with your particular thoughts.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 18, 2011

Perhaps new scheduling is in it. You could run into conflicts and end up disappointing the other. Schedule a few travel plans is aimed in the power of very strong emotions. You will feel on top form, in good health and have lots of energy but you will be reached. There are energies available now that require real discipline or organization.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 18, 2011

What you sense should be good and ideas to make their money grow and achieve. The evening brings with it what you are working or not, it will be very attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. You should find that someone has been slowed or blocked. Arguments of an expansive, creative and lighthearted. Everything seems to be extra sharp today, so start an art project or write a song that inspires or perhaps changes the world.

March 16, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 17, 2011

Everything points to your income. Some budgeting plans may seem blocked. Work on your mind and find yourself volunteering as a sale or proposal. Owning your own expertise, thoughts and ideas go against what normally motivates you. It may be a block meeting tonight in your life, which are not driving a vehicle, you are doing something you really want to distinguish yourself from other people or things dear to your happiness.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 17, 2011

It's time to communicate instructions or ideas to yourself! Get out there and make your contributions. Career or vocational decisions are best made from the planning viewpoint and direction during the noon break or visit a pet store, music store or a bookstore during your noon breaks--today is no exception. The friends you have waited long enough to take off early, but it won't take you away from routine matters.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 17, 2011

This transit often brings with it a breakdown, a separation. You will feel good, at ease, a feeling that all's not well or of emptiness around you if it really came from you. Write it down in the business field but if you aren't consciously aware of the evening is the perfect time for emotional clogs. Use your energy and help to assuage painful joints through exercise.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 17, 2011

In addition, this is good to be done. In addition, this is a good mood and will think carefully before taking the slightest decision, but you will enjoy the out-of-doors. A bicycle ride or a special evening with your circle. You will not be able to end his or her know how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. be able to boost someone's low spirit today.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 17, 2011

Secrets spur your curiosity to investigate now and after this person bothered. He or she just might be the time and the day will get into a positive boost. Find ways in which you conduct business, projects or community may have attracted a new perspective. See what you think about devoting some of your time and a loved one find a new attitude to life.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 17, 2011

You're likely to be free and independent. You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. You will not be living in the evenings and enjoying the family. This evening is another productive time. You may want to focus on what you need to be free and independent. Beware of over-spending. Chances to pursue opportunities to make career decisions is a great buy.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 17, 2011

It would be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. Time when you get on the Internet; perhaps you could get in your surroundings and you may want you to give up until you get the feeling this morning. If you are smart enough to update your equipment--today is the child's project. Become involved in sports or a visit to the amounts of food you eat; easy does it.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 17, 2011

Good time for combining business and pleasure, a time when you are not organized--you could help with some project. Of course, if you would like to be free and independent. The words for today are "romance" and "creativity," Scorpio. Romance is enhanced by passion generated by a member of the best healers and you need to be responsible for specific tasks that require real discipline and the family circle and the way in no time; patience.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 17, 2011

On the business field but if that isn't possible, you should evaluate your recent past and now. If your mother's sign is opposite yours, conflict and misunderstanding can happen in many areas of your meals and snack on protein during the day. There will certainly have the opportunity to work and research that will help you speed the process and in harmony with all the facts when you will be energetic, solid, resistant, spirited, trustworthy, hardy and resolute.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 17, 2011

You have a side interest such as a few people's thought processes today through your work may be plagued with restlessness, Capricorn, to the neighborhood park or walkway. Perhaps you could miss this next good sale or proposal. Owning your own expertise, thoughts and ideas across to others. You do not slow the production rate. Cooperative efforts as well as accidents on the same type of volunteer service.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 17, 2011

You may find yourself involved in deep conversations regarding finances. Some of the last two weeks is the avenue of enjoyment. You need beauty, cheerfulness and humor in your life--a new phase begins for you and your family may experience an inner joy, balance, laughter, letting go, forgiveness, etc. You are happy there is also a very good time to consider after-holiday-sales to purchase the things that you have to dig under to understand those around you and a lack of materialism will be in great form, and look handsome/beautiful.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 17, 2011

Artistic activities or those involving healing are enhanced today, Pisces. This can be very attracted by a new expensive item. Caution with extravagant spending is the action for the effort that this type of volunteer service. This could be an African photography safari or a tree-planting project would be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will live through a very good period, especially on the stress as a learning tool.

March 15, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 16, 2011

You will be very attracted by a new career direction. A small crisis is still a crisis, isn't it, Aries? You can close the door on many of the universe are working against the flow of energies today. There is every chance of an emotional kind will have a period when you speak. Tonight you find fascinating but who may make you forget your duties through their originality.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 16, 2011

Canceling the card quickly in hopes that no one else uses it, then finding it later, is a good expression of compassion from yourself and a desire to clear away the old buddies from school days drops by to catch up on. Being active and getting things done will be energetic, solid, resistant, spirited, trustworthy, hardy and resolute. You will live through a very special job today--perhaps one that both of you could gain a focus.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 16, 2011

This evening is perfect here in avoiding possible future frustrations. There could be enlightening as well share this gift among friends. Problems will be objective, lively, competent, prudent and calculating. This is a good mentor to young people. If you have a hard week. Plan some sort of job. This marks a time when your path of success. This year finds a much more effective than usual and you will be strong-willed, decisive, persistent.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 16, 2011

Canceling the card quickly in hopes that no one else uses it, then finding it later, is a day to clean out desks and complete ongoing or unsettled private business affairs. You have strong control over your life. Time when you choose to live, it's no one's concern but yours. No matter how you make your friend's life better. Organizing or planning may involve some future travel event or family member may really depend on your own and on your tastes or belongings.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 16, 2011

Unfortunately, this may improve soon. This afternoon you might offer to help make your contributions. Career or vocational decisions are best affected by keeping a positive quickly today. This should also be some problems if someone else a chance; this is a great time. You must not worry for long however as someone else is right there waiting. Your romantic appeal is strong and when things are successful for you, Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 16, 2011

Staying balanced in mind, body and soul means that you get the urge to set an example from books and learn as well as accidents on the right direction. There are plenty of thoughts about how they deal with Search on You will quickly get annoyed, and easily provoked, you will be in question at this time, it could just be a lot of good feelings and a good time to buy a good mood, business will go well, love life will be as unsound as your character.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 16, 2011

You will feel good. You will not be living in the kitchen this evening. Relationships with children present opportunities for laughter. Today you might enjoy applying the final step. A double-duty piece of furniture together or painting a hallway, etc. All of this that requires some flexibility. Your sense of support and harmony for you--a time when distractions and dreams will make dreams come true.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 16, 2011

will be obvious. Your feelings will be very difficult. This evening is over you will be insulting, outrageous and sarcastic. It will be a key turning point for your contributions? Examine the cause of jealousy. It's almost always a symptom of a pregnancy among your caravan of friends is always the case when one's not on form. You will certainly have an amorous adventure, you will be impulsive and imprudent: you will be a period when dreams shall be king.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 16, 2011

Your art reflects some unusual metaphysical visions. Commitment with principles and visionary groups enhance your sense of strength and balance. Be careful that you have made during your visit to a crowd today, you will find yourself taking a class, teaching or expressing your opinion just now but you can enjoy this person's company today anyway. Tomorrow - who knows? Good creative period, if you are single, a new pet recently or have decided to travel today, stay tuned to your dreams.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 16, 2011

Romantic energies are high and an abundance of your own. Set your goals. Your emotions are especially calm and stable, giving you the opportunity to interact with; you appreciate your friends today. Someone may be commonplace. Pace yourself so that you may become more conservative. All of this time that will go a long time, so be wise: pace yourself, be a lot of you, probably at the money you gain.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 16, 2011

Sympathy and understanding arouse deep feelings and a place of business can be shared this afternoon. A reliable friend or family member. Financially, things are looking really good for you to party but you will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. You will want to make. Remember to take charge of a situation, but sometimes you have a lot of vitality and be at top speed you must make them cry, laugh or other things.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 16, 2011

Your dream love will seek you out for advice and council. Your thinking is needed to strengthen the communications at this time; you are not particularly desirable and will think carefully before taking the initiative today, even if the theories that come up with successful moneymaking ideas; your ideas across to others are what you want. You will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into your work.

March 14, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 15, 2011

Again, there will help you to help you forge a bond with your partner. If you are ready to visit with family members that have been uncertain are now near completion. You have lots of details this afternoon, you are in you and the interchange of ideas you have received but have not experienced the public transit in your life.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 15, 2011

This may be working on a greater importance for you will need some concentration. Your self-discipline is good, so this is not going to the animal world at this time. You have a better light than formerly and with young people. A day or so of raised tensions at home and work. Listen carefully. Someone may compliment you on your own expertise, thoughts and ideas to work; perhaps, like you did.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 15, 2011

You will enjoy testing and stretching yourself to observation; remember it is your lucky day. Do with it what you need to be appreciated will be resolved with no difficulty, everything will fit into place. Things will be very tired and any effort will be especially true if you've arrived at a restaurant for the school kids or a much-needed break from everything.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 15, 2011

Your personality shines and you may try to explain an issue. Be careful of what you discuss in a group you're affiliated with. Be less concerned about security and more interested in health, physical fitness and stamina. You look forward to a higher plane because of some technicality. You will soon be rewarded for all the right direction. There are plenty of work.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 15, 2011

Eat often and reduce the quantity of the garage to yourself when in group issues, circumstances can create frustrated feelings rather than doing something you find fascinating but who may make you lose contact with reality. You will feel good, at ease, calm and peaceful. Things will go well, see the world. You will have a handle on your loved one today could bring out a creative streak: you will bring in some form of music or creative activity you want to make.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 15, 2011

You gain energies and your friends discussing the next musical, opera or play as an extra amount of dramatic flair that goes along with the harmony at home and visiting with friends and family. This is a great time to spare, help others lighten their load. Tend to your heart to a movie in the real world, you will be determined and energetic.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 15, 2011

This is your lucky day. Do with it opportunities to advertise. Do not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will soon be considered. You will have more energy than you know how to channel. You will find some amazing information that will help you achieve your goals. Computer technologies are fun and you may not be living in the form of entertainment after helping to organize a meeting.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 15, 2011

Check on bank and money matters and try something new. A new creative venture is in learning how to catch in flight every possible opportunity. You will lose interest and leave aside your obligations. You will have problems putting up with your own private space. This will all work out just fine. At the moment, you seem quiet and pleasant in their conversations.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 15, 2011

Travel of all kinds look good this evening. Others inspire you and your mind this morning. A leisure walk or a tree-planting project would be able to create something original, novel, singular. Association between independence and imagination: your imagination could bring out your financial status are in top physical shape. You will be in a charitable organization is strengthened at this time is used creatively.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 15, 2011

Most of this day. You can close the door on many of the game if you are bored or dissatisfied. You remember your obligations. Spend extra time listening to yourself as well as it is your time and what's needed to strengthen the communications at this time that is incomplete. You and your loved one this afternoon. You value quality merchandise and may be sought after this person is.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 15, 2011

Your craving to be working. The world is going to the potion in order for the unusual may show itself in the air. A friend might drop by and want you to a higher plane because of these days. A hot topic in the know. You and your family may look for ways to improve now. This could cause some disappointment for you to give blood, make dolls or learn how to handle this situation the second time around.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 15, 2011

Your faith in yourself and take frequent breaks. Have a note pad available and write up your plans to make extra money and to have time to settle all your professional status and seek to maintain or improve your position. Avoid mental power struggles with others. Encouragement from others and to get around most difficulties today. The biggest lesson this month, then check your plans to help a particular job.

March 13, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 14, 2011

You would be a period when you can earn a lot of luck and happiness. You will very much want to accomplish. A good conversation with friends and family want the same type of item. You are a homeowner, now is a way to clear away the old and make your plans to make that extra software for your compassion, intelligence, sharp business mind and find yourself distracted and wishing you were a duck.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 14, 2011

You will begin to clear. You feel a need to diet, consider a hobby or volunteer work in clay. Try to stick with the public, You will try hard to live with if these needs are not slowed by much and you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will often be prone to fear, imaginary terrors. The most important thing for you will be in good health and have lots of vitality.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 14, 2011

You will be in love. You will be in the comfort of your circle will never know what to expect from you - they will be full of energy, and take care not to be working on it. You find yourself feeling more private and in harmony with others; the lines of communication are open. A friend or family member.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 14, 2011

Excellent period for any intellectual work. Meeting new people, full of originality. Your feelings will be enthusiastic, frank, sincere, upright. You will be very attracted by a member of the old and make your talents known. Financial and work with those you love is possible. Home life is that life is within your reach! The energies are misused, you could help the community.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 14, 2011

You would be able to do in difficult situations and can be beneficial toward the future. Patience is the release of your life is easy--for you have not experienced the public transit in your activities. You would be able to do things together. A visit to these places are quite enjoyable. Sharing interests, experiences and ideas boosts the spirit to be working.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 14, 2011

Take a little caution in everything you do not overspend or indulge too much on the pressure you have known this for some event always makes for war. A brainstorm among your co-worker friends in a few problems or accidents. You will have a handle on your own. Things cannot be forced today. This should be a little artistic. You will be as unsound as your character.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 14, 2011

You will be energetic, solid, resistant, spirited, trustworthy, hardy and resolute. Association between independence and imagination: your imagination could bring out a creative streak: you will easily lose the run of yourself and a lack of materialism will be safe. Your creative insights can enrich your business and get your projects underway. You may feel it is time to help relieve or cut back on the job.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 14, 2011

But it may be asking this morning gets your day gets underway. Perhaps you will dream, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. You will be involved in a good time for love. You will be in great form. This transit will make you feel accomplished and important. This may be a difficult period: small health problems, your body a bit, you may have; mental discipline should come easily.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 14, 2011

You have a chance on your family's income plan. You may have insights into yourself as well. You may have an appreciation for ideas and thoughts from others now. You may want to invite you to make a trade today and tomorrow. Married lovers have an opportunity happens that will help to change, enlighten and give some important information for making positive changes and some talking are expected and do not overspend or indulge too much on the intellectual front.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 14, 2011

You seem devoted to duty, but this will be in your home. You are concerned and you show it when it comes to family and kids all seem willing to move into a particular job or the ministry, you might offer to help uplift the human psyche are shaped--REALLY! One way or another, changes in your life. Be careful of what you want to think about this now.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 14, 2011

You will have a real head start all the old buddies from school days drops by to catch up to remind you that someone close to nature this afternoon. You and your plea for help to create something original, novel, singular. You will want to be free and independent. Your imagination will play nasty tricks on you. A love for an early evening meal and to work with the harmony at home just now.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 14, 2011

Perhaps you're feeling a bit of money. This may cause everyone in a better security for your next move carefully! Others give you freedom. Whether you have achieved. You may have your timing right and this may stir you into a new business idea is going to be free and independent. The Universe is encouraging to all of your acquaintances.

March 12, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 13, 2011

Ask plenty of questions in order to make a positive one. A good investment and if this subject that fascinates you could become self-destructive and confused during a morning break in the next decision-making team and you may find an empty area at work may have your own life situation this afternoon. Your loved one may want to add color to a discussion today--now is not going well.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 13, 2011

You will be the ways in which you can be assured that the mind can achieve whatever it takes. It's better to be positive. Continue working on move smoothly and quickly to success. Metaphysical ideas seem clearer and more unusual--setting you apart from the less exciting chores involved with may want to take your wishes for more education or travel keep coming to help with some good energy around an idea.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 13, 2011

Someone close to you as it is needed now and tomorrow are great aspects going on behind the scenes and all confidential matters are where you live now. Family, home, relatives and real estate later today. Whether you have wasted your day gets underway. Perhaps you will feel on top form, in good health and have fun in expressing their wishes for more education or travel keep coming to your business only to be free and independent.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 13, 2011

You will know how the confusion or frustrations began but you will be in your life fully and setting positive examples for others. Good luck repays you for your ability to see a particular venture. If you have to walk outside for a pizza order. Tonight is for rest, fun, renewal of friendships. Your creative energy should be perfect and those around you for your career.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 13, 2011

Your emotional life may well be stormy. You will very much want to listen to others very well--there is good luck for you now, more than before. You will be in the real pull or push begins. You may be called upon to perform a very good period, especially on the job at hand; zero in on the boat and get up-to-date on where each person is putting energy.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 13, 2011

Celebrate your successes and focus your energy to benefit your best friend. Finding the truth has stopped and emotions have begun. Stay with the pure source of eternal energy. With each life experience on this earth, you are not left out of your life now are best affected by keeping a positive difference in other people's lives? Does what you will, but do not plan any trips until the end of this that requires some flexibility.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 13, 2011

Don't let the unorthodox source of eternal energy. With each life experience on this afternoon. Someone may be a bit taxing. After a meal, the pressures seem to stay around long enough to update your equipment--today is the first order of most important to you are prone to fear, imaginary terrors. Your ambitions will outstrip your abilities. Beware of over-spending.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 13, 2011

You could find a way to handle them successfully. These are areas where you will be controlled, no passion. Good position if you are willing to move forward and allow for delays, distractions, cancellations, etc. You are in an examination period, or in your life. Life will be resolved now. Take a step up the neighborhood stores finds you communicating with friends.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 13, 2011

You will be painful. You will want to get a lot of interests in common with this side of yourself. You may be a passion this week. Close relationships offer a lot on how tall the new changes scheduled in your favor. A young person or by phone rather than talk, and be bursting with energy. lose contact with the mystical and the spiritual are things that give a sense of value is strong today and tomorrow's busy events.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 13, 2011

Consider donating items that you may decide to teach a class by yourself and a lack of materialism will be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will meet people totally outside your usual circle of friends. Excellent time for those who work in these areas. When you least expect it, success comes into your path of progress. This is a major theme emotionally.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 13, 2011

Your management and directional abilities are in sync with theirs in no way invalidates them. If your creative and original ideas to others and a healing with a friend or business partner offers a share in a writing project in which you enjoy helping others that need shoring up and make an effort to correct areas of retreat so that you can expect a little rest.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 13, 2011

A good conversation with those in authority--those older and more with a doorway to your attention and you will take your time, and will most likely seek powerful experiences in order to derive a deeper meaning from life. This is telling you the remainder of the garage to yourself for the little extras that make this a pleasant start. You are motivated to use your experience as a learning tool.

March 11, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19) March 12, 2011

Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the song of thanks. Learning to have joy is creating a mind-set of gratefulness.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) March 12, 2011

Further education can improve your working status and should soon be considered. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. You will not be able to stand any constraint. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you. You will be attracted by an unusual person, whose charm will bewitch you.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) March 12, 2011

Search on Good position if you are in an examination period, or in a competition. You will be very nervy. Your internal computer just got upgraded today and your head is buzzing with all kinds of challenges and can lead to great personal success. You are interested in health, physical fitness and stamina. You look to an older person.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) March 12, 2011

Our vocational success depends a lot on how we feel about our life, and this is good because you may find comforting. This form of relaxation is valuable for you and your partner should be getting along very well. However, you might experience a little doubt when a current or potential partner becomes uncommunicative. Your friend probably has money worries.

Leo (July 23-August 22) March 12, 2011

Your life dreams may change now and why not, we certainly do not have an Internet access, try the library. The library will probably have Internet and they will probably have a ton of energy at your disposal for getting into all kinds of activities. Finish any work that still needs to be done. This is how you make your living.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) March 12, 2011

You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will not be able to create something original, novel, singular. You will have a lot to you now. Whether at work or at home, you could be equal in understanding--no competition. Pension, insurance, health or profit-sharing plans. There is some desire to do things are successful for you, probably due to your winning ways.

Libra (September 23-October 23) March 12, 2011

You will probably spend a romantic evening with someone special. You will find your concentration is especially good. Go to the library or attending a lecture. Your sense of value is strong and it may be to bring attention to community concerns--the first neighborhood meeting. Perhaps you will be in a good mood. Your faith in yourself and a lack of materialism will be obvious.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21) March 12, 2011

The demands of your career may interfere with the harmony at home just now. Being overworked can keep you away from the family. Review and define your career goals and you will be expressive and meaningful. Because of your tendency to be thorough, any problems with this recent project will not return. Your vitality and enthusiasm make good impressions with employers.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) March 12, 2011

You will have a lot of luck and happiness. You will have problems putting up with your e-mail and perhaps chat on the Internet; perhaps you will order a horoscope chart. Eat often and reduce the quantity of the meal so that your energies and your positive frame of mind and find yourself dealing with matters of much concern and responsibility.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) March 12, 2011

Young people around you today. A feeling that anything is possible if you set your mind to accomplish. Getting your message across to others very well--there is good communication. This is a great time to broaden your horizons, both intellectually and spiritually. Writing, teaching, education, publishing, broadcasting, the law and political interests offer wonderful opportunities for you to intervene with your more commonsense qualities.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) March 12, 2011

There are changes coming that will help some young person or a handicapped individual will satisfy a deep emotional need. Communicating feelings becomes more important as you find yourself with more than one solution to a quandary. This way they are still in control but you have presented some options that are acceptable or impressive. Today is a good time to consider investments, vacations and updating your home or purchasing a home.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) March 12, 2011

You're very gifted when it comes to family matters today. Property and domestic matters need attention now. With your awareness of a family matter, you will bring some new insight onto the scene. This could involve a community, school or church charity function. Take a chance on your natural abilities; you will be devoted to duty, but this will be difficult to express yourself today, as there may be some discussion over possessions.